O, Ayorinde, why have you deserted me like the Libyan desert?
To a life bereft of what we once shared
The sun rises daily, so are my hopes of seeing you
Recollect the days we ate from the same plastic bowl and took turns to lap the other in the bus
Now, you have left me dazed
No, I left you dazed.
O, Ayorinde, did we part ways or fate is to blame?
For what now seems to me is a blame game
Who is to blame? Not me, neither you
I pray the winds to bring my words to you
To blow them in your direction and sweep you in my direction
As a reminder of our filial connection.
O, Ayorinde, do you still exist or charm has lef you elsewhere?
To marriage? Peacekeeping? Music? Politics? Fashion design? Images of you, I have embossed
With your name on my mind's emblem.
O, Ayorinde, Facebook is littered with my name, pick one.
If you wish, come to the Gold Coast, I shall be waiting.
Ayorinde, my joy will return to me.